Church Mission

We are proud to serve as one of the lead churches in the Ebenezer District Association. We will support our Association with finances and personal participation. Each member of our church understands God's expectation of their personal commitment to tithe, talents and time in relationship to the operation of the church. The mission of Mt. Lovely Baptist Church is multidimensional:

  • Preaching the gospel which leads the lost individual to salvation is our primary goal.
  • Provide a ministry of music whereby the gospel can be shared through song
  • *Provisions for Christian Education presented through various interventions: A well organized church school Auxiliaries of the church Workshops and seminars
  • Provide a strong Youth Department Youth leadership development Educational and entertaining travel
  • Provisions for the visitation of the sick and shut in and others Pastor/Deacon Ministry & Missionary Society
  • Observance of the Ordinances of the Church The Lord's Supper/ Mode of Baptism (Immersion)
  • Provide Christian Counseling Personal Counseling Marital Counseling